Church History
History of Bible Baptist Church
From The Beginning
The wisest man that ever lived once said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) Bible Baptist Church was born out of the spiritual vision of a number of Godly people.In the hearts and prayers of a group of dedicated Christians, a Bible-Believing, Bible-Preaching Church , was born in the Radcliff area.
The work began as a mission project of Metropolitan Baptist Church of Louisville, KY.During the early days of the church several families laid the ground work for the first services to be held.Through the effort of these people, a building was rented and plans were made to hold special services on the night of October 10, 1967 .In the process of time, a revival was conducted by Pastor Horace Nutt, pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church of Louisville, KY.During this meeting several families responded to an invitation to help establish Bible Baptist Church .The first services were held on Tuesday evenings and Pastor Nutt would come from Louisville to conduct these services.During the weeks that Pastor Nutt could not attend the services were held by the new church families.These families remained faithful even though it was very difficult.God used these faithful families to help maintain the work in Radcliff.After a period of time the church called its first Pastor on April 15, 1968.
Upon the arrival of the new Pastor, the church could only secure the Nolin Building for the first three Sunday nights in the month.A Presbyterian Church held services in the same building on Sunday mornings and also had it reserved on the last Sunday night of the month.Through a meeting with their pastor, Bible Baptist Church worked out an agreement where by services could be held in the same building every Sunday night.Eight months passed with the mission having only two night services a week.A strong desire to start a Sunday School was prevalent in the church.After several months the first Sunday School was held in the trailer of the Pastor on November 17, 1968 .There were 26 present for the first Sunday School.God had Blessed those people during those early days even when they had no morning service.People were being Saved and added to the church.After filling the trailer the church realized it was time to secure property for its own building.Property was found on 31W for the price of $10,000.00.The church paid $3,000.00 down and $85.00 per month until the property was bought.
After filling the first building the church needed to secure a bigger piece of property.During the fall of 1974 and early 1975 the church discussed the need to buy a bigger piece of property and build a larger building.This was realized when five acres of property was bought on Shelby Avenue for the price of $18,000.00.This is the sight of the current campus of Bible Baptist Church that has grown in value to over $1.5 million.
Through the years God has used Bible Baptist Church to reach the lost community and to reach out to the world through Missions.Today the church continues to grow as God continues to Bless!